Baby's intelligencePosts and articles about Baby's intelligenceCommunityShould I allow my baby to steer the trike to help him boost intelligence?My child is now 13 months old and extremely alert. She easily recognizes her favorite cartoon characters at home. I want to increase her exposure to nature and ...CommunityCan riding a trike improve my toddler's alertness and eagerness to learn?My two-year-old enjoys exploring the house and has a lot of questions. I've noticed she enjoys learning, and I'd like to give her something to stimulate her bra...CommunityCan allowing my toddler to paddle the trike aid his understanding of how objects work?My baby is 18 months old and has reached the stage where she questions everything. She is eager to learn new things, and I want to provide her with something en...CommunityDoes taking my baby on regular trike rides help her speech development?My baby just turned 16 months old, and she is starting to speak. She loves describing things in gibberish but also likes learning new words. I want her to exper...CommunityIs it beneficial to a baby's early memory to take them on trike rides?My 18-month-old daughter has recently become more curious. She enjoys inquiring about how things around her work, particularly the "why" question. I want to hel...CommunityCan taking my baby on a trike ride help her identify/differentiate sounds?My baby is now 13 months old and very alert. At home, she easily recognizes our voices. I want to expose her to different sounds outside and give her a better u...