Kelly Hendrickse - content editor at SmarTrike
Kelly Hendrickse - Editor for smarTrike

Kelly Hendrickse


Editing, Proofreading, Localisation, Audio Description


Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Production, majoring in Screenwriting, Film Studies, and Media and Writing from the University of Cape Town


Kelly has extensive experience in English editing with a focus on localisation and audio description for global markets’ content. Through this, she discovered her passion for accessible and inclusive content that spans languages and hearing or sight difficulties. Her experience and education have further developed her proofreading and research skills, which she utilises in all her writing and editing.

Quote From Kelly Hendrickse

With her education in screenwriting, Kelly has been working on her first feature screenplay and aspires to write for TV one day.

About smarTrike's Editorial Process

At smarTrike, we're dedicated to providing parents and caregivers with the latest information on child development to help them support their children's optimal growth and well-being. Our editorial team consists of experienced researchers, child development specialist writers, editors, and fact-checkers. We conduct thorough research and planning before assigning topics to writers. Writers use their personal experience and credible sources to create their content. Once written, editors proofread and review the posts, and fact-checkers verify all content. For more information on how we deliver top-quality, reliable insights, check out our editorial process.

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