Baby gripPosts and articles about Baby gripCommunityIs a baby trike ideal for my baby to develop strength in their legs and hands?My toddler has begun to walk more confidently and enjoys moving around the house. However, she still has insufficient leg strength to move around for long perio...CommunityWill a baby trike help my child's ability to use everyday utensils?My baby is nine months old and loves finger foods. I've been introducing her to utensils, particularly spoons, with her favorite fruit bowl. Her grip, however, ...CommunityCan safety handle bars on a smart trike help my child in improving their grip?My baby has only recently begun to crawl, and she is curious. She enjoys reaching for her favorite toys. Her grip, however, is still a little shaky, and she can...CommunityIs a baby trike good for improving a baby's hand grip?My 6-month-old son has just begun to learn how to grasp objects in his hands. He enjoys messing with his pacifier and some of his toys. His grip, however, is st...CommunityIs a baby trike a fun way to fine-tune my 6-month-old baby's claw grip?My baby claw grips everything but does not know how to let go. Will a trike help her learn how to do so?