Is a baby trike ideal for my baby to develop strength in their legs and hands? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

Is a baby trike ideal for my baby to develop strength in their legs and hands?

Asked 2 years ago

My toddler has begun to walk more confidently and enjoys moving around the house. However, she still has insufficient leg strength to move around for long periods. I want to build her strength with something enjoyable for us. My mother suggested getting a baby trike to help her learn to paddle and steer on our walks to the park.

Will Soto

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Building your leg, hand, and core muscular strength and endurance while riding a tricycle is enjoyable. Paddle needs strong legs and a strong core in order for the trike to move forward. You may increase the strength and endurance of your lower body by simply learning to pedal and push a tricycle with your leg. Hand strength and eye-hand coordination are required while steering a bike.

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