Is paddling on the baby trike helpful to my baby's lower body strength? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

Is paddling on the baby trike helpful to my baby's lower body strength?

Asked 2 years ago

I recently started taking my baby for walks in parks, and he loves it! He's gotten used to walking, but he'll need time to get used to it before running. I want to improve his lower-body strength, and a friend recommended getting a baby trike. Will it help him build leg stamina?

Lucille Hays

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Trikes are a great method to increase your leg strength and stamina while having fun. Paddle demands a lot of leg muscular strength and core strength to propel the tricycle forward. Even learning to peddle and push trik by leg gives several possibilities to enhance lower body strength and endurance.

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