Can allowing my kids to steer a trike encourage them to explore on their own? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

Can allowing my kids to steer a trike encourage them to explore on their own?

Asked 2 years ago

My 18-month-old daughter enjoys playing outside. I want to get her a baby trike to go on play dates with her playmate. I'm concerned that giving her instructions will prevent her from exploring and playing to her full potential. My friend mentioned allowing her to take the lead, and I'm wondering if I should let her steer the trike for this.

Abigayle Beach

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Allowing the youngster to take the lead in any activity will encourage them to explore a wide range of possibilities. If you allow children to explore the trike on their own, they will learn a lot about the trike. It will strengthen their ability to reason critically, to plan and complete activities, and it will undoubtedly increase their confidence.

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