Can I improve my baby's sense of direction by allowing them to steer the trike? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

Can I improve my baby's sense of direction by allowing them to steer the trike?

Asked 2 years ago

My baby is 13 months old and has only recently started walking alone. He still walks a little shaky, and his sense of direction is all over the place. I want him to improve his direction so he can move around freely in the house. For this, my sister suggested we try out a baby trike. Is this ideal for him?

Adriel Mayer

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Allowing your child to control a tricycle can help them develop their sense of direction over time. It gives children a hands-on opportunity to practise spatial awareness and coordination. However, at 13 months old and still wobbly walking, it may be better to prioritise walking practice and age-appropriate toys before introducing a trike.

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