At What Age Do Babies Begin Crawling? – smarTrike Answers

At What Age Do Babies Begin Crawling?

Is your baby ready to crawl? Learn about the exciting milestone of crawling, its signs, and how to support your baby's journey.

Asmar Karimli
By Asmar Karimli
Davor Štefanović - Editor for smarTrike
Edited by Davor Štefanović

Published June 6, 2023.

Every stage of your baby's growth brings its unique blend of excitement and anticipation. One such momentous milestone is crawling—a key step in their physical development that is as exciting for parents as it is for the little one. Typically, the journey to mobility starts around the 9-month mark, but remember—each child is on their own unique timeline.

From the 5th month onwards, you might see signs of your baby preparing for this big step, as they gain strength and balance. They may sit up unaided, wriggle around on their tummy, or even hold on to their cot and attempt a step or two by the 8th month. Remember, as a parent, your role is to offer encouragement and create a supportive environment for their natural growth. Steer clear of comparisons—they do more harm than good!

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How to Spot the Signs Your Baby Is Ready to Crawl

Crawling typically emerges naturally in a baby's development. But how do you know when your baby is ready to start? Here are 8 tell-tale signs:

  • Your baby begins to bend their legs inward, indicating strengthening muscles
  • While on their back, they spread their arms to the side, like an aeroplane—this shows they are improving balance
  • They pull off an impressive 'baby plank,' a sign of growing strength and coordination
  • Your baby attempts to stand on their toes while leaning against a stable surface
  • They start moving around in a circle while on their tummy
  • In a resting position, your baby lifts their bottom in the air with straightened legs, as if readying to move
  • They try to roll from their back to their stomach
  • They begin belly crawling, not quite lifting their tummy off the floor yet, but this is a step towards full-fledged crawling

» Learn more about gross motor skills in child development

Crawling to Adventure

As your baby embarks on this exciting journey of mobility, remember to encourage and support them. It's vital to provide opportunities for your child to practise and develop this skill. As they find their own unique way—be it crawling with one leg, moving backwards, or any other variant—it's essential not to interrupt but to cheer them on. Each baby has a unique style of mastering this skill.

However, with the newfound mobility, brace yourself for more activity around the house. Your little explorer will now be able to reach out and explore more independently. Enjoy this new phase of their exciting journey, full of discoveries and growth!