Toddler balancePosts and articles about Toddler balanceBlogTatiana KopyrinaBalance Bike vs Trike: Which is Better for Child Development?Is there anything more joyous than seeing a child's sheer delight at mastering a new skill? Parenting is filled with these magical moments. As parents, we can s...CommunityWill my toddler's balance improve as they learn to paddle with a trike?My twins are 13 months old and a rowdy bunch. They enjoy walking, but they still wobble and cannot travel far. I'm looking for something fun to help them improv...BlogTatiana KopyrinaInfant Developmental Stages (Years 0–3) & How to Support ThemThe first few years of your child's life are the essential period when they reach many developmental milestones. During this time, children experience rapid phy...