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Asked 2 years ago
My baby is at the stage where she is trying to use her legs to move around. But it seems that she's more interested in planting her feet on the ground than she is to use her knees to crawl. Will it affect her development if she does not crawl before she walks?
Devan Conley
Monday, May 08, 2023
Lots of parents worry about their child's walking development but I would like to reassure you that missing out the crawling phase before walking will not negatively effect her development. Many toddlers tend to crawl, stand, cruise and then walk. However this isn't always the case for some toddlers. Some toddlers will shuffle on their bottoms, army crawl or just go straight to standing and miss the crawling phase entirely. Every child is unique and they develop at their own pace. It seems as though your baby is showing interest in movement, exploring her surroundings, and using her legs which is extremely positive, so I believe you don't have any reason to be concerned.
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