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Taking your newborn outside for the first time? Discover when it's safe to venture outdoors, how to protect your baby's health, and how to make it memorable.
Published May 15, 2023.
Taking your newborn baby outside for the first time can be a nerve-wracking experience. Infants' immune systems are not fully developed at birth, making them more vulnerable to infections. However, don't let this deter you. Newborns can be taken outside in a stroller right away, as long as you follow the necessary safety precautions.
When taking your newborn outdoors, it's crucial to keep them out of direct sunlight. Limit their sun exposure and dress them in long sleeves to protect their delicate skin from harmful UV rays. Likewise, in colder weather, ensure they are suitably dressed in layers to shield them from the chill.
Interactions with others also need careful management. Discourage other children from touching your baby's hands, face, and mouth, and be diligent about washing your own hands to avoid passing along any germs to your infant. It's also advisable to avoid crowded places such as schools, aeroplanes, or playgrounds, where they're at a higher risk of germ exposure.
» Find the perfect stroller to encourage your baby's development
Taking your newborn out for the first time is a significant milestone, not just for them, but for you as well. It's a big step in their journey of exploration and discovery, and while it's important to be cautious, it should also be a joyful experience. Remember, the outdoors is a whole new world for your little one, full of exciting sounds, sights, and smells. So, bundle them up safely, push that stroller out, and start introducing them to the wonders of the world around them.
Tatiana Kopyrina
Tatiana Kopyrina