Can a stroller trike tip over, and how can I prevent it? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

Can a stroller trike tip over, and how can I prevent it?

Asked 2 years ago

Our baby often gets over-excited for these trike stroller rides! Once she discovered pedaling she literally wants to zoom across the pavement. She's still figuring out how to properly control her movements so all of this makes me worried that she might tip the trike over. What do I do if this happens? Is it possible?

Saniya Beard

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

While stroller trikes are meant to be stable, tipping over is possible if the trike is operated incorrectly. To avoid this, make sure your child is properly strapped in and offers instruction as they learn to drive a trike. If tipping occurs, stay calm, assist your child, and reiterate the importance of balance and control.

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