Is a trike a good investment before purchasing a bicycle for my 1 and half year old? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

Is a trike a good investment before purchasing a bicycle for my 1 and half year old?

Asked 2 years ago

I know he is not ready for a bike yet but we are avid bikers and will get him one when he is old enough. Is a trike a great prelude to this? it seems like it is, since we have the option of steering him and letting him explore on his own. I'd love confirmation!

Elliot Robertson

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Investing in a trike for your 1-and-a-half-year-old can be a great way to introduce him to the joys of cycling and improve his physical development. It's a fun and engaging way for your child to develop his gross motor skills, balance, and coordination before transitioning to a bicycle. Plus, it can be a fun bonding activity for you both as you explore the great outdoors together.

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