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Asked 2 years ago
I bought some toys for my baby but she doesn't seem interested in grabbing them yet. Will teaching her how to ride a trike encourage her to use her hands more?
Staff Writer
Thursday, March 02, 2023
Baby trikes are not specifically designed to encourage babies and toddlers to reach for objects.
While riding a trike can promote physical development, including coordination, balance, and encouraging hand-eye coordination, object manipulation may be better achieved through age-appropriate, stimulating toys and engaging interactive play, at this stage of development.
» Learn more about infant developmental stages (years 0–3) & how to support them
Gail Benson
Saturday, March 04, 2023
Baby trikes are an excellent method to promote fine motor development. Make sure your baby can sit up by themselves. They can easily grab the tricycle's front or side handle once they have the core strength to sit upright. Make it more enjoyable by offering more reach-out options, such as favorite toys, and high fives, Taking them on a walk-in trike ride will give them additional possibilities for exploration.
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