My toddler is struggling with throwing and catching, any suggestions? – smarT Riders – smarTrike Community

My toddler is struggling with throwing and catching, any suggestions?

Asked 2 years ago

He is 16 months now and from what I've read he should be able to throw and catch already - even if it isn't perfect. How can I encourage this? We play throw and catch on the regular but are there some other tips?

Kadyn Copeland

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Throwing and catching skills are still improving at 16 months. Play throw and catch games on a regular basis to practise. In addition, use soft items for better grabbing, show the motions, play with larger targets and introduce activities that develop hand-eye coordination such as stacking blocks or fitting shapes into corresponding holes. Be patient, since each child develops at a different rate.

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